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As residents are aware there is a proposal for a large solar farm to the east of Wootton. This was discussed at our meeting in |November and the relevant documents are below. The Parish Council are collecting data on the proposal before submitting any comments. This is Phase One of the consultation and Phase 2 will follow were any comments made will apply to planning rules only. 


Phase 1 consultation dates and map

WPC Statement 14 November 2022

Statement - D Fairweather

Statement - A Firth

Statement - T Sumner

Report from Chair 


The link to the 2021 Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire report is:


In the meantime, we urge everyone in Wootton Parish;
· To let us know your initial views on the proposals, and any particular aspects you think we should be concentrating on.
· To complete the questionnaire set up by our local MP, Robert Courts on his website

· To visit the ‘information event’ in Woodstock Community Centre on Saturday 19 November (11.00am-4.00pm)
· To respond to the ‘community consultation’ by the developers either by emailing them on or visiting,
or filling in one of their feedback forms


Please click here for the Botley West website


If you would like to email the Council with your views then please do so either to or the Chair,


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